BOOKS - HISTORY - Путешествие Ибн Фадлана Волжский путь от Багдада до Булгара...
Путешествие Ибн Фадлана Волжский путь от Багдада до Булгара - Ред. Чебучева Е.П. 2016 PDF Издательский дом Марджани BOOKS HISTORY
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Путешествие Ибн Фадлана Волжский путь от Багдада до Булгара
Author: Ред. Чебучева Е.П.
Year: 2016
Format: PDF
File size: 24.4 MB
Language: RU

The catalog is prepared for the exhibition "The Journey of Ibn Fadlan: the Volga Way from Baghdad to the Bulgar," dedicated to the cultures of the peoples whose lands in 921-922. the mission of the Baghdad caliph to the court of the king of the Volga Bulgaria. The secretary of this mission, Ahmad ibn Fadlan, left an invaluable source on ethnography and the history of modern peoples from Central Asia to the Middle Volga, and more broadly - the entire forest zone of Eastern Europe.

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