BOOKS - POPULAR SCIENCE - Преодоление классического мировоззрения. Философия...
Преодоление классического мировоззрения. Философия - Сазанов А.А. 2010 PDF Либроком BOOKS POPULAR SCIENCE
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Преодоление классического мировоззрения. Философия
Author: Сазанов А.А.
Year: 2010
Format: PDF
File size: 14,68 MB
Language: RU

The premise of the ideas presented in this edition is the content of the first part of the book "Overcoming the classical worldview. Physics." If the theoretical justifications and experimental confirmations of classical mechanics were the foundation for philosophical extrapolations of classical materialism, then the views of modern physics and cosmology prompt deeper and broader philosophical generalizations. The failure of attempts to establish matter or reason (idea) in the role of the comprehensive fundamental principle of being is becoming more and more convincing. The book is addressed to researchers, graduate students and students interested in worldview problems.

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