BOOKS - HISTORY - Спор о России. В. Маклаков, В. Шульгин - Переписка 1919 - 1939...
Спор о России. В. Маклаков, В. Шульгин - Переписка 1919 - 1939 - Будницкий О.В. (сост.) 2010 PDF РОССПЭН BOOKS HISTORY
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Спор о России. В. Маклаков, В. Шульгин - Переписка 1919 - 1939
Author: Будницкий О.В. (сост.)
Year: 2010
Number of pages: 436
Format: PDF
File size: 17 MB
Language: RU

Vasily Alekseevich Maklakov and Vasily Vitalievich Shulgin belonged to the political elite of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Both were deputies of the 2-4th State Duma and prolific publicists. Maklakov was a member of the Cadet Party, a liberal, Shulgin - right, nationalist and monarchist. The difference in political views did not prevent them from being friends. After the revolution, both ended up in exile. Their correspondence for 1919-1939 contains unique information about the political life of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, Russian revolutions and the Civil War, and the history of emigration.

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