BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Владивостокская крепость. Между прошлым и будущим...
Владивостокская крепость. Между прошлым и будущим - Касьянов Н.В. 2001 PDF Размер 60.38 МбРассматриваются архитектурные особенности фортификационного наследия Владивостока и е BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Владивостокская крепость. Между прошлым и будущим
Author: Касьянов Н.В.
Year: 2001
Format: PDF
File size: 60.38 MB

Architectural features of the fortification heritage of Vladivostok and its environs are considered, primarily the Vladivostok fortress - a unique monument of military-defensive architecture of the late XIX - early XX centuries. The problems of the current state of defensive structures and the prospects for creating an architectural and landscape museum-reserve of the Vladivostok fortress are highlighted. The description of the objects under consideration is supplemented with specially made illustrations. The publication is intended for both specialists and a wide range of readers.

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