BOOKS - PROGRAMMING - Алгоритмы и программы Язык С++
Алгоритмы и программы Язык С++ - Конова Е. А., Поллак Г. А. 2020 - 5-е изд. PDF OCR / DJVU СПб. Лань BOOKS PROGRAMMING
USDt 9.66


Алгоритмы и программы Язык С++
Author: Конова Е. А., Поллак Г. А.
Year: 2020 - 5-е изд.
Format: PDF OCR / DJVU
File size: 11 MB
Language: RU

When presenting the material, the authors use the teaching methodology from algorithms to programs, therefore, first, information about algorithms with examples of implementing typical algorithms is presented. Learning the basics of the C++ programming language is based on the knowledge gained. Examples can be solved in any C++ developer environment, but the authors debugged the examples in Visual Studio 2013. Program codes comply with the C++ 11 standard (ISOIEC 14882:2011), developed in console applications based on the Empty Project template. In the tasks of the workshop, both tasks using typical algorithms and meaningful ones are proposed, for which only a verbal description is given. No prior knowledge of programming languages is required, may be recommended for self-study.

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