BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Предистория литературы у славян. Опыт реконструкции...
Предистория литературы у славян. Опыт реконструкции
Author: Топоров В.
Year: 1998
Format: PDF
File size: 13.4 MB
Language: RU
Year: 1998
Format: PDF
File size: 13.4 MB
Language: RU
The main task of the book is to establish lines of continuity between early Slavic literature (ІKh - X ІІ iv.) And what the Slavs had before the advent of writing and literature. The solution to this problem involves the reconstruction of pre-Slavic aesthetically marked verbal texts. The sources of such reconstruction are considered and specific examples of the restoration of the composition, genres, content, plots and motives, metrics, inventory of poetic techniques of the pre-Slavic literature are assumed. In many cases, reconstruction is brought to the linguistic level.