-------------------- YOULIBR - Кто бы мог подумать! Как мозг заставляет нас делать глупости Казанцева Анастасия FB2/RTF/PDF/TXTZIP 2014 BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY kto-by-mog-podumat-kak-mozg-zastavlyaet-nas-delat-gluposti
BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Кто бы мог подумать! Как мозг заставляет нас делать гл...
Кто бы мог подумать! Как мозг заставляет нас делать глупости - Казанцева Анастасия 2014 FB2/RTF/PDF/TXTZIP Corpus (АСТ) BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
US $6.80

Кто бы мог подумать! Как мозг заставляет нас делать глупости
Author: Казанцева Анастасия
Year: 2014
File size: 7.3 MB
Language: RU
Genre: Когнитивная психология

The book of the young scientific journalist Asi Kazantseva - about "the main biological traps that prevent us from living happily and behaving well." Relying mainly on authoritative scientific works and only sometimes on personal experience, the author tells in an exciting and accessible way where bad habits come from, why it is so difficult to work in November and what substances underlie the "chemistry of love. "The graduate of the biological faculty of St. Petersburg State University Asya Kazantseva is a zealous popularizer of big science. She was one of the creators of the Progress program on Channel Five and a participant in the Science 2.0 project on Russia; her articles and columns have appeared in publications ranging from "The Trinity Variant" to Men's Health. "How the Brain Makes Us Do Stupid Things" is her first book.

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