BOOKS - BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS - Коллективный выбор и индивидуальные ценности...
Коллективный выбор и индивидуальные ценности - Кеннет Джозеф Эрроу 2004 PDF ГУ ВШЭ BOOKS BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS
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Коллективный выбор и индивидуальные ценности
Author: Кеннет Джозеф Эрроу
Year: 2004
Format: PDF
File size: 5,8 MB

The book of one of the most outstanding economists of our time, Nobel Prize laureate Kenneth Arrow "Collective Choice and Individual Values" is one of the most famous scientific monographs of the 20th century. It was the first to set and solve the problem of axiomatic construction of a collective solution based on individual opinions. The formal apparatus developed by Arrow and the results obtained by him are based on a number of scientific disciplines, such as decision theory, microeconomics, game theory, voting theory, etc.

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