BOOKS - HISTORY - Длинные тени советского прошлого
Длинные тени советского прошлого - Мишина Екатерина 2014 PDF Москва Фонд "Либеральная миссия" BOOKS HISTORY
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Длинные тени советского прошлого
Author: Мишина Екатерина
Year: 2014
Format: PDF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

The book is a collection of "pictures of some reforms" in a number of republics of the former USSR, which give, first of all, a description of the institutional reforms of the judicial system during the transition period. The choice of countries was due, among other things, to the availability of highly interesting materials in the form of country reports and respondents' answers to questions about the judicial systems of the respective states received from experts from Ukraine, Latvia, Bulgaria and Poland as part of the implementation of one of the INDEM fund projects. The uniqueness of the experience of the Baltic countries, which managed to achieve a lot between the two world wars, forcibly incorporated into the USSR and then restored their independence, made Estonia and Lithuania an obligatory part of the study. The history of transformation in the revolutionary countries - Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan - is also of great interest. Outstanding economic achievements of Kazakhstan also did not allow to ignore the process of transformation in this state.

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