BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Кто заставил Гитлера напасть на Сталина...
Кто заставил Гитлера напасть на Сталина - Стариков Николай 2014 PDF Питер BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Кто заставил Гитлера напасть на Сталина
Author: Стариков Николай
Year: 2014
Format: PDF
File size: 22,9 MB
Language: RU

This book is about who pushed Hitler to commit a suicide attack on Stalin. About the true creators and inspirers of the worst catastrophe in the history of Russia - June 22, 1941. Those who gave Hitler and his party money and helped them come to power. It shows the true goal of bringing the Nazis to power - an attack on the USSR, the "correction" of the previous mistake of Western intelligence, which put the Bolsheviks at the head of Russia.

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