BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - Биология поведения богов и героев Древней Греции...
Биология поведения богов и героев Древней Греции - Жуков Д 2015 PDF СПб. Крига BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
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Биология поведения богов и героев Древней Греции
Author: Жуков Д
Year: 2015
Format: PDF
File size: 12 MB
Language: RU

The mythology of ancient Greece differs from the myths of other peoples in that in it the gods do not act as certain perfect creatures, givers of the law, the embodiment of prohibition and punishment. Greek gods, in addition to immortality, have all the vices and shortcomings characteristic of humans. Therefore, Greek myths are not a collection of the covenants of a correct life, but a description of the real relationship between people, the real behavior of a person who lived three to five thousand years ago. It is these behavioral traits that the St. Petersburg biologist D.A. Zhukov, considering ancient Greek myths from the point of view of behavioral biology.

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