BOOKS - RELIGION - Библейский богословский словарь
Библейский богословский словарь - Михайловский Вадим свящ. (ред.) 1995 PDF М. Издательтво Св. Владимирского Братства BOOKS RELIGION
USDt 5.87


Библейский богословский словарь
Author: Михайловский Вадим свящ. (ред.)
Year: 1995
Format: PDF
File size: 33 MB
Language: RU

The reader holds in his hands a unique reference book on the Old and New Testaments, which is fundamentally different from other well-known publications of this kind (for example, symphonies and encyclopedias). Unfortunately, the 1872 edition has become so rare that it is inaccessible not only to the average reader, but also to a specialist theologian. This dictionary is indispensable both for regular reading of the Bible and for serious scientific work.

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