BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Как исправить отношения за пять минут. Укрепить любовь...
Как исправить отношения за пять минут. Укрепить любовь, быстро решать конфликты и стать ближе - Джон Грэй 2023 FB2 АСТ BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Как исправить отношения за пять минут. Укрепить любовь, быстро решать конфликты и стать ближе
Author: Джон Грэй
Year: 2023
Format: FB2
File size: 10.9 MB
Language: RU
Genre: Психология

Long-term happiness in love depends on a couple's ability to regain intimacy after conflicts, large and small, that inevitably arise in any relationship. Neuroscientists argue that disagreements are better corrected quickly, otherwise they accumulate in long-term memory and automatically cause a negative reaction to any partner's action. It is becoming increasingly difficult to establish relationships. But you can reconnect in five minutes! Psychology doctors John Gray and Susan Campbell have been advising couples for more than 25 years. In this book, they give tools that help turn conflict into an excuse to talk, show love and tenderness. Follow their recommendations and difficulties become opportunities to develop trust and understanding. Rebuilding relationships is a skill anyone can develop.

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