BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Европа XXI века. Новые вызовы и риски
Европа XXI века. Новые вызовы и риски - Громыко Ал. А., Фёдоров В.П. (ред.) 2017 PDF СПб. Нестор-история BOOKS HUMANITIES
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Европа XXI века. Новые вызовы и риски
Author: Громыко Ал. А., Фёдоров В.П. (ред.)
Year: 2017
Format: PDF
File size: 16 MB
Language: RU

This work is a multilateral, interdisciplinary monitoring of modern processes in Europe. The changes taking place here are significant; their intensity will continue in the coming years. Objective and subjective events caused not only by globalization and a new stage of the scientific and technological revolution, but also by serious political miscalculations, put the Old World before the fact of deep socio-economic, political and cultural transformations. Europe has not yet found adequate answers to the questions posed by history.

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