BOOKS - HISTORY - Очерки социально-экономической и политической истории Новгорода Вел...
Очерки социально-экономической и политической истории Новгорода Великого в XII-XIII вв. - одвигина Н.Л. 1976 DJVU Высшая школа BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 9.69


Очерки социально-экономической и политической истории Новгорода Великого в XII-XIII вв.
Author: одвигина Н.Л.
Year: 1976
Format: DJVU
File size: 7,24 MB
Language: RU

The manual, based on a comprehensive study of written sources and archaeological materials, examines the most important problems of the socio-economic and political history of Novgorod the Great in the XII-XIII centuries, the class struggle in the city. The importance of Novgorod as the largest center of craft production, trade and culture is shown.

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