BOOKS - HEALTH AND MEDICINE - Серия "Медицина изнутри. Книги о тех, кому доверяют сво...
Серия "Медицина изнутри. Книги о тех, кому доверяют свое здоровье" в 15 книгах - разные 2019-2022 FB2 | EPUB Москва BOOKS HEALTH AND MEDICINE
USDt 8.83


Серия "Медицина изнутри. Книги о тех, кому доверяют свое здоровье" в 15 книгах
Author: разные
Year: 2019-2022
Format: FB2 | EPUB
File size: 9 MB
Language: RU

"Medicine from the Inside. Books about those who are trusted with their health" - the most exciting stories about doctors and patients. The heroes of the books are doctors who do everything in their power to save lives every day. Despite all the critical situations, they try to remain calm and patient and believe that tomorrow will be better and easier.

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