Паутина - Самойлов Л., Скорбин Б. 1954/1955 PDF | DJVU М. Военное издательство минобороны СССР BOOKS FICTION
US $9.72

Author: Самойлов Л., Скорбин Б.
Year: 1954/1955
Number of pages: 122
Format: PDF | DJVU
File size: 1 MB
Language: RU

The book "Web" by L. S. Samoilov and B. P. Skorbin was published in the well-known in the middle of the last century series of books "Library of Military Adventures," intended for patriotic education of young people. The series included both publications telling about the adventures (intelligence) of the Civil War, during the Second World War of 1941-1945, the post-war period (mid-50s), and publications telling about the post-war confrontation between intelligence and counterintelligence of the USSR and the likely enemy (espionage orientation), and detectives.