BOOKS - HISTORY - Записки революционера
Записки революционера -  1906 PDF "Свободная мысль" (Лондон-СПб), Электропечатня Я. Левенштейн (СПб) BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 9.94


Записки революционера
Year: 1906
Format: PDF
File size: 115,57 MB
Language: RU (pre-reform)

Kropotkin Pyotr Alekseevich (1842-1921) - the famous Russian revolutionary anarchist. Born in Moscow in an old princely family. He studied in the page corps and in 1861 was appointed a camera page of Alexander II. At the end of the corps, Kropotkin entered the regiment and went with him to Eastern Siberia, where he stayed for 5 years. All this time, Kropotkin was seriously engaged in scientific research and decided to devote himself entirely to geographical science. To this end, in 1867 he returned to St. Petersburg and entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. At the same time, he works in a geographical society. In 1871, he received a business trip to Finland Sweden for geological research...

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