BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Химия рутения, родия, палладия, осмия, иридия, платины...
Химия рутения, родия, палладия, осмия, иридия, платины - Ливингстон С. 1978 DJVU Мир BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
USDt 5.91


Химия рутения, родия, палладия, осмия, иридия, платины
Author: Ливингстон С.
Year: 1978
Format: DJVU
File size: 12.6 MB
Language: RU

The book is a guide to the chemistry of platinum metals. Interest in the chemistry of platinum metals is associated with the rapid development of work on homogeneous catalysis and extensive research on the use of some complex compounds of platinum as anti-cancer drugs. The book summarizes the results obtained in the last decade and not presented fully enough in any other edition. The book is intended for specialists in the chemistry of platinum metals, complex compounds, catalysis, molecular biology, medicine and pharmacology.

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