BOOKS - MILITARY HISTORY - Стратегия в эпоху Наполеона I и в наше время...
Стратегия в эпоху Наполеона I и в наше время - Е. Мартынов 1894 PDF Военная типография BOOKS MILITARY HISTORY
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Стратегия в эпоху Наполеона I и в наше время
Author: Е. Мартынов
Year: 1894
Format: PDF
File size: 101.01 MB

We all learn strategy mainly on the campaigns of Napoleon I, who are the most complete exponents of this art, his classic works. But almost a century has passed since these campaigns, and much has changed during this long period. The very views on the war changed, the equipment made tremendous successes, mass armies were created, and as these new factors appeared, various changes were consistently made in the Napoleonic strategy.

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