BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Занимательная зоология. Очерки и рассказы о животных...
Занимательная зоология. Очерки и рассказы о животных - Я.А. Цингер 1963 DJVU Государственное учебно-педагогическое издательство BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
USDt 7.63


Занимательная зоология. Очерки и рассказы о животных
Author: Я.А. Цингер
Year: 1963
Format: DJVU
File size: 7,59 MB
Language: RU

The Middle School Student Manual contains additional reference material for the textbook, as well as material for extracurricular reading. The book introduces the diversity of the animal kingdom. Some of the material is presented in the form of questions and answers. "Tales of Insects" was written by candidate of biological sciences Yu.M. Zalessky 3rd edition.

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