BOOKS - FICTION - Собрание сочинений в 3 томах. Том 2. Рассказы...
Собрание сочинений в 3 томах. Том 2. Рассказы - Сергей Воронин 1982 DJVU | PDF Современник BOOKS FICTION
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Собрание сочинений в 3 томах. Том 2. Рассказы
Author: Сергей Воронин
Year: 1982
Format: DJVU | PDF
File size: 12,8 MB (DJVU), 503 MB (PDF)
Language: RU

The second volume of the collected works of Sergei Voronin consists entirely of stories. A good vision of the world, penetration into the depths of human characters and the ability to find there beautiful, hidden from indifferent gaze, are the hallmarks of S. Voronin's talent as a storyteller. His stories are the thoughts of a writer who acutely perceives modern life.

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