BOOKS - OS AND DB - Технологии анализа данных. Data Mining, Vi...
Технологии анализа данных. Data Mining, Visual Mining, Text Mining, OLAP - Барсегян А.А., Куприянов М.С. и др. 2007 - 2-е изд., перераб. и дополн. PDF БХВ-Петербург BOOKS OS AND DB
US $8.84

Технологии анализа данных. Data Mining, Visual Mining, Text Mining, OLAP
Author: Барсегян А.А., Куприянов М.С. и др.
Year: 2007 - 2-е изд., перераб. и дополн.
Format: PDF
File size: 127 MB
Language: RU

The book is the second, updated and supplemented, edition of the tutorial "Methods and Models of Data Analysis. OLAP и Data Mining». The main directions in the field of enterprise systems development are described: data warehousing, distributed, online (OLAP), intelligent (Data Mining), visual (Visual Mining) and text (Text Mining) data analysis. Methods and algorithms for solving the main analysis problems are described: classification, clustering, etc. The description of the idea of ​ ​ each method is supplemented by a specific example of its application.

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