BOOKS - POPULAR SCIENCE - Орская биографическая энциклопедия...
Орская биографическая энциклопедия - Коровин П.С 2005 PDF Язык РусскийОрская биографическая энциклопедия включает в себя 1489 статей об исторических и совреме BOOKS POPULAR SCIENCE
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Орская биографическая энциклопедия
Author: Коровин П.С
Year: 2005
Format: PDF
File size: 75 MB
Language: RU

Orsk Biographical Encyclopedia includes 1489 articles about historical and modern figures who lived, live in the city of Orsk, or visited this city. The Orsk Biographical Encyclopedia was prepared by the Association of Public Organizations "Executive Committee of the People's Patriotic Forces of Orsk" (chairman - Pavel Semenovich Korovin). The publication is dedicated to the 270th anniversary of the city of Orsk and was carried out with the support of the Center for Assistance to Civil Initiatives (chairman - Berezhnoy Viktor Yuryevich).

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