BOOKS - HISTORY - Канцелярія Руської (Волинської) метрики 1569-1673 рр. Студія з істо...
US $9.94
Канцелярія Руської (Волинської) метрики 1569-1673 рр. Студія з історії українського регіоналізму в Речі Посполитій
Author: Кулаковський П.
Year: 2002
Format: PDF
File size: 43.0 MB
Language: UA
Year: 2002
Format: PDF
File size: 43.0 MB
Language: UA
The monograph examines the activities of the office of the Russian (Volyn) metric - one of the national institutions in the Commonwealth of the second half of the 16th - 17th centuries, which ensured the implementation of the regional interests of the Ukrainian gentry. Considerable attention in the work is paid to the analysis of factors that during the specified period fueled these interests, as well as influenced the functioning of the office. Methods of work of clerical staff are described, classification of office products is given, biograms of its employees are presented.