BOOKS - EQUIPMENT - Выпрямители и стабилизаторы. Учебное пособие для института киноин...
Выпрямители и стабилизаторы. Учебное пособие для института киноинженеров - Федосеев П.Г. 1960 DJVU М. Искусство BOOKS EQUIPMENT
USDt 8.49


Выпрямители и стабилизаторы. Учебное пособие для института киноинженеров
Author: Федосеев П.Г.
Year: 1960
Format: DJVU
File size: 12.9 MB
Language: RU

The book is the result of generalization and systematization of lectures on the course "Power supply and regulating devices" given by the author at the Leningrad Institute of Film Engineers, and is intended as a textbook for students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. It can also be used by students of related specialties and engineering and technical workers who are faced with the design and operation of power devices by the nature of their work...

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