BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Сборник упражнений по старославянскому языку и методические указ...
Сборник упражнений по старославянскому языку и методические указания к их выполнению - Н.А. Кондрашов, Л.К. Кузнецова, К.А. Войлова 1988 DJVU | PDF IN RAR Просвещение (Москва) BOOKS HUMANITIES
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Сборник упражнений по старославянскому языку и методические указания к их выполнению
Author: Н.А. Кондрашов, Л.К. Кузнецова, К.А. Войлова
Year: 1988
File size: 5,5 MB
Language: RU

For part-time students of the 1st year of the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. The manual contains a system of training and control exercises, as well as texts for analysis, allowing you to organize the independent work of students. From the course of the Old Slavonic language in pedagogical institutes, the study of the cycle of historical and linguistic disciplines begins. These disciplines give the teacher of the Russian language the opportunity to solve the problem put forward in the main directions of the reform of the general education and vocational school.

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