BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Севернорусская деловая письменность XVII –XVIII вв. (орфография,...
Севернорусская деловая письменность XVII –XVIII вв. (орфография, фонетика, морфология) - Лев Феодосьевич Копосов 2000 RTF IN RAR МПУ (Москва) BOOKS HUMANITIES
USDt 5.74


Севернорусская деловая письменность XVII –XVIII вв. (орфография, фонетика, морфология)
Author: Лев Феодосьевич Копосов
Year: 2000
Format: RTF IN RAR
File size: 8,3 MB
Language: RU

The monograph on a large factual material extracted from 35 funds of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts describes the phonetic and morphological features of North Russian dialects of the 17th-18th centuries. The monograph is intended for students, graduate students, university teachers, as well as for everyone who is interested in the problems of the history of the Russian language.

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