BOOKS - HISTORY - Как пережить кризис. Уроки Великой депрессии...
Как пережить кризис. Уроки Великой депрессии - Уткин А.И 2009 PDF Яуза BOOKS HISTORY
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Как пережить кризис. Уроки Великой депрессии
Author: Уткин А.И
Year: 2009
Format: PDF
File size: 10,22 MB
Language: RU

The experience of the Great Depression of 1929-1933 is more relevant today than ever. The lessons of the great economic catastrophe of 80 years ago deserve the closest attention, especially since the recipes for overcoming the crisis are universal at all times. How do we avoid a repeat of that terrible tragedy? After all, the first Great Depression led not only to colossal financial losses, but also to multimillion-dollar human casualties - and this is not only about mass ruin, unemployment, despair and broken destinies.

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