BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Технологии изготовления компонентов оксидных солнечных б...
Технологии изготовления компонентов оксидных солнечных батарей - Патрушева Т.Н. 2015 PDF Красноярск СФУ BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
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Технологии изготовления компонентов оксидных солнечных батарей
Author: Патрушева Т.Н.
Year: 2015
Format: PDF
File size: 14.5 MB
Language: RU

Advances in photovoltaics and challenges in dye-sensitized solar cell technology reviewed. The author's technology of solar cell components manufacturing by low-cost and large-scale extraction-pyrolytic method is presented. Methods of making a photoanode, transparent electrodes and compositions of electrolytes and sensitizers, including natural and synthesized dyes, are described.

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