BOOKS - NATURAL SCIENCES - Химическая термодинамика с Mathcad. Расчетные задачи...
Химическая термодинамика с Mathcad. Расчетные задачи - Нарышкин Д.Г. 2016 DJVU Риор; Инфра-М BOOKS NATURAL SCIENCES
USDt 6.58


Химическая термодинамика с Mathcad. Расчетные задачи
Author: Нарышкин Д.Г.
Year: 2016
Format: DJVU
File size: 15 MB

The manual introduces students and teachers to the capabilities of the Mathcad mathematical package when studying thermodynamic models of physicochemical systems and processes and solving computational problems of chemical thermodynamics. The manual also introduces readers to the methodology for using modern IR technologies in the educational process and research practice - the so-called cloud computing: it contains a description of the educational and computational capabilities of the interactive network version of the Thermodynamic Database and Reference Book of Physicochemical Quantities on Mathcad Calculation Server NRU MPEI.

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