BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Психопрофилактика в сфере семейных отношений...
Психопрофилактика в сфере семейных отношений - Дмитриева Л.A. 2004 PDF НИИ УИС Минюста России BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
USDt 6.85


Психопрофилактика в сфере семейных отношений
Author: Дмитриева Л.A.
Year: 2004
Format: PDF
File size: 38 MB

The family occupies a special place among the subsystems of society, consisting in close sociocultural relationships. The aggravation of the criminal situation and economic crises have inevitable and grave consequences for the families of employees of the penal system (penal system): fears for the health and life of loved ones, deterioration of material well-being, deformation of moral values, and others. These circumstances affect the state of the psychological climate of families, which is reflected in the statistics of divorces, suicides, staff turnover, disciplinary violations among the personnel of the penal system. The recommendations proposed in the manual are based on the results of a scientific study. Disclosed are the content structure and mechanisms of the interaction of factors of professional activity and family relationships of the penal system employees, the determination of their socio-psychological well-being. The available approaches to the organization of psychological support in the family sphere of law enforcement officers in foreign practice are outlined. The manual is recommended for study by psychologists, personnel staff, the leadership of the penal system and students in departmental educational institutions.

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