BOOKS - HISTORY - Всеобщая история великих путешествий и великих путешественников. Ж....
Всеобщая история великих путешествий и великих путешественников. Ж.Верн -  2008 ISO Astramedia BOOKS HISTORY
USDt 7.54


Всеобщая история великих путешествий и великих путешественников. Ж.Верн
Year: 2008
Format: ISO
File size: 251МВ
Language: RU

The famous French writer Jules Verne is known primarily for his fantastic travels. But it turns out that his heroes are not only Captain Nemo and Paganel. In a major work devoted to great voyages and great travelers, we meet a detailed description of the expeditions of such illustrious sailors as Columbus, Drake, Captain Cook, Laperouse, Tasman and many others.

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