BOOKS - HISTORY - Операция Миф, или Сколько раз хоронили Гитлера...
Операция Миф, или Сколько раз хоронили Гитлера - Безыменский Л.А. 1995 PDF М. Международные отношения BOOKS HISTORY
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Операция Миф, или Сколько раз хоронили Гитлера
Author: Безыменский Л.А.
Year: 1995
Format: PDF
File size: 21 MB
Language: RU

How many times was Hitler buried? This question became possible to answer only now, when the writer and historian Lev Bezymensky became available, unique documents from the archives of Stalin, Molotov and Beria. The book is dedicated to the episode of the finale of the Great Patriotic War, which remained secret for many years at the behest of Stalin - the search and discovery of Hitler's remains. The reader will also get acquainted with hitherto unknown documents characterizing the relationship between Stalin and Hitler.

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