BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Диагностика психических нарушений. Практикум...
Диагностика психических нарушений. Практикум - Демьянов Ю.Г. 2004 PDF Серия Библиотека практического психологаКнига может быть использована студентами психологических фак BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Диагностика психических нарушений. Практикум
Author: Демьянов Ю.Г.
Year: 2004
Format: PDF
File size: 50 MB
Language: RU

The book can be used by students of psychological faculties of universities as a workshop on the course "Age Psychiatry." The publication is of interest to psychologists of all specializations, doctors, social educators, lawyers, defectologists, speech therapists, who, to one degree or another, have to have professional contact with people suffering from mental disabilities.

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