BOOKS - HUMANITIES - Антропология и этнология современный взгляд...
Антропология и этнология современный взгляд - Коллектив авторов 2021 PDF Язык русский представляет собой сборник статей ведущих отечественных и зарубежных специалистов в обл BOOKS HUMANITIES
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Антропология и этнология современный взгляд
Author: Коллектив авторов
Year: 2021
Format: PDF
File size: 11 MB
Language: RU

The publication is a collection of articles by leading domestic and foreign specialists in the field of socio-cultural anthropology, ethnology, sociology, history and political research. It presents issues relevant to Russian science and society that reflect the problems of the formation of Russian identity, the development of Russian federalism, the construction of nations and nationalism, citizenship and migration policy, social memory, festive and everyday culture, as well as the results of field work during a pandemic, including the analysis of human behavioral strategies and its biosocial adaptation to stress. The collection considers the continuity of the traditions of Russian science in the study of the indigenous peoples of the world, field materials of Russian scientists are published based on the results of expeditions to Australia, Africa, and America. Such a wide panorama of modern socio-cultural anthropology is associated with the assessment of the scientific contribution of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Tishkov to his 80th birthday.

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