BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Великого Альберта наука распознавать людей. Избранная ...
Великого Альберта наука распознавать людей. Избранная из древних рукописей - Альберт Великий 1811 PDF М. Печатано в типографии С. Селивановскаго BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Великого Альберта наука распознавать людей. Избранная из древних рукописей
Author: Альберт Великий
Year: 1811
Format: PDF
File size: 14 MB
Language: RU (pre-reform)

Albert the Great (lat. Albertus Magnus, circa 1200-1280) - medieval German philosopher, theologian, scientist. He is a representative of medieval scholasticism, recognized by the Catholic Church as a Teacher of the Church, mentor of Thomas Aquinas. He was an incredibly versatile personality, revered as a great scholastic and sage, a powerful magician, alchemist and diviner. In his research, Albert the Great attached great importance to the natural knowledge of the world. With a universal mind, in addition to developing a philosophical system, Albert produced a variety of experimental studies.

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