BOOKS - EQUIPMENT - Фазировка электрического оборудования. Издание 2. Библиотека элек...
Фазировка электрического оборудования. Издание 2. Библиотека электромонтера -  1984 DJVU | PDF М, Энергоатомиздат BOOKS EQUIPMENT
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Фазировка электрического оборудования. Издание 2. Библиотека электромонтера
Year: 1984
Format: DJVU | PDF
File size: 12 MB

Methods of practical phasing of electric circuits (generators, transformers, cable and overhead power lines) used in power systems during installation and repair works at stations and in electric networks are considered. The first edition was published in 1977. In the second edition, a number of issues are more fully covered, a description of the methods for phasing secondary circuits is given. For electricians and foremen engaged in the installation, repair and operation of equipment and students of vocational schools.

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