BOOKS - PROGRAMMING - Отладка приложений для Microsoft .NET и Microsoft Windows...
Отладка приложений для Microsoft .NET и Microsoft Windows - Роббинс Джон 2004 PDF Язык РусскийВ книге описаны тонкости отладки всех видов приложений .NET и Win32 от Web-сервисов XML  BOOKS PROGRAMMING
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Отладка приложений для Microsoft .NET и Microsoft Windows
Author: Роббинс Джон
Year: 2004
Format: PDF
File size: 12,7 MB
Language: RU

The book describes the intricacies of debugging all kinds of .NET and Win32 applications, from XML Web services to Windows services. Each chapter provides examples to help you improve the debugging performance of managed and unmanaged code. The book consists of 19 chapters, 2 appendices and a subject index. The publication is equipped with a CD containing the source code of the examples, utilities and debugging tools.

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