BOOKS - TECHNICAL SCIENCES - Характеристики двигателей в электроприводе...
Характеристики двигателей в электроприводе - Вешеневский С.Н. 1977 - Изд. 6-е, исправл. PDF М. Энергия BOOKS TECHNICAL SCIENCES
US $7.51

Характеристики двигателей в электроприводе
Author: Вешеневский С.Н.
Year: 1977 - Изд. 6-е, исправл.
Format: PDF
File size: 14 MB
Language: RU

The book gives the theory and practice of calculating the mechanical characteristics of DC motors, asynchronous and synchronous in start, braking and speed control modes. A significant place is given to families of universal static and dynamic characteristics for a series of domestic engines. Motor characteristics under contactor control are considered, calculation and selection of resistors are given. The fifth edition was released in 1967. The sixth edition was supplemented with tables of technical data of new engines, and the text was brought into line with current standards. The book is intended for designers, adjusters and operators of electric drives; can also serve as a student benefit. The book has not lost its value even now. A description of all engines, their characteristics, calculation formulas, engine types is given - you can choose when calculating exchange rates.

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