BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Девиантное поведение личности и группы...
Девиантное поведение личности и группы - Змановская Е. В., Рыбников В. Ю. 2011 PDF/DJVU Питер BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Девиантное поведение личности и группы
Author: Змановская Е. В., Рыбников В. Ю.
Year: 2011
Format: PDF/DJVU
File size: 37 MB
Language: RU

The textbook systematizes modern scientific data on the problem of deviant behavior of individuals and groups. A unified theoretical and methodological apparatus was proposed, a comprehensive description of the main forms of deviations was carried out, and the psychological foundations of correctional and preventive work were developed. Along with generally accepted approaches, original methods for diagnosing and correcting deviant behavior are described. Particular attention is paid to deviations in the law enforcement environment.

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