BOOKS - HUMANITIES - История и философия науки
История и философия науки - Степин В.С. 2011 DJVU М. Академический Проект, Трикста BOOKS HUMANITIES
USDt 6.84


История и философия науки
Author: Степин В.С.
Year: 2011
Format: DJVU
File size: 10.1 MB
Language: RU

The book is written in accordance with the program of the candidate minimum for graduate students and applicants. It traces how science arose during the development of culture and civilization, what are the differences between science and other forms of cognition. The structure and dynamics of scientific knowledge, the historical change in the types of scientific rationality, the connection between spiders and philosophy, the socio-cultural conditioning of scientific research are analyzed. The problems of the philosophy of science are analyzed on the specific material of the history of science.

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