BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - Искусство. Книга для чтения. Живопись. Скульптура. Графика...
Искусство. Книга для чтения. Живопись. Скульптура. Графика. Архитектура - Алпатов М.В., Ростовцев Н.Н., Неклюдова М.Г. 1969 PDF М. Просвещение BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
USDt 7.52


Искусство. Книга для чтения. Живопись. Скульптура. Графика. Архитектура
Author: Алпатов М.В., Ростовцев Н.Н., Неклюдова М.Г.
Year: 1969
Format: PDF
File size: 170.46 MB
Language: RU

The reader of the collection has the opportunity to learn from primary sources what has been said by Russian and foreign authors about monuments of the past and modern art. The reader is offered not a compilation, not a retelling of old and modern art historical works, but excerpts from books and articles, many of which are difficult to access and are a bibliographic rarity.

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