BOOKS - RELIGION - История Древней Церкви. Часть I. 33—843 гг....
История Древней Церкви. Часть I. 33—843 гг. - Общ. ред. Максимович К. А. 2012 DJVU Язык РусскийУчебное пособие представляет собой опыт освещения истории Древней Церкви с позиций совре BOOKS RELIGION
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История Древней Церкви. Часть I. 33—843 гг.
Author: Общ. ред. Максимович К. А.
Year: 2012
Format: DJVU
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

The textbook is an experience of covering the history of the Ancient Church from the standpoint of modern theological science. The target audience of the manual is primary school students of Orthodox educational institutions, students of Orthodox gymnasiums, all interested in ancient church history. The publication is illustrated, equipped with a reference apparatus (bibliography, tables, personal and subject indexes, an index of Internet resources on church-historical topics).

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