BOOKS - CULTURE AND ARTS - История живописи всех времен и народов. История пейзажной ...
История живописи всех времен и народов. История пейзажной живописи. Северное Возрождение. Итоги Возрождения - Бенуа А.Н. 2020 PDF Академический проект BOOKS CULTURE AND ARTS
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История живописи всех времен и народов. История пейзажной живописи. Северное Возрождение. Итоги Возрождения
Author: Бенуа А.Н.
Year: 2020
Format: PDF
File size: 109 MB
Language: RU

The personality of Alexander Nikolaevich Benoit is striking in its scale. For the first time in the history of Russian aesthetic thought, he substantiated the national identity and international ties of Russian art of the New Age. An outstanding artist and theater figure - A.N. Benois was the artistic director of Russian Seasons in Paris, one of the founders and ideologists of the consolidation of Russian artists into the famous World of Art association, which undoubtedly had a serious impact on the development of European art of the 20th century, largely determining its further development.

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