BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Туман в голове. Как укрепить память, развить концентра...
Туман в голове. Как укрепить память, развить концентрацию и мышление - Джим Кэрол 2022 FB2 | RTF Эксмо BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
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Туман в голове. Как укрепить память, развить концентрацию и мышление
Author: Джим Кэрол
Year: 2022
Format: FB2 | RTF
File size: 10 MB
Language: RU

From a steel mill worker, Jim Carol has become the owner of one of the most incredible minds in the world. There are three Guinness World Records in the piggy bank of his achievements. In 2007, NBC selected Jim as one of the top ten mentalists in the world. What allowed an ordinary hard worker at 49 to make such a rapid breakthrough in life? Frightened by the bad news of heart problems, he was forced to develop his own brain and body pumping program. Jim is convinced that one is closely related to the other. Today, his idea that mind transformation leads to life transformation resonates with everyone from Hollywood stars, professional athletes, professors at top universities to ordinary people. In this book, you will get acquainted with a system of activities that will strengthen the ability to think, return clarity of mind, help eliminate negative thinking and stress, develop creativity, and get in better physical shape.

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