BOOKS - SCIENCE AND STUDY - Я сдам ЕГЭ! Биология. Практикум и диагностика...
Я сдам ЕГЭ! Биология. Практикум и диагностика - Петросова Р.А., Мазяркина Т.В. 2017 PDF М. Просвещение BOOKS SCIENCE AND STUDY
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Я сдам ЕГЭ! Биология. Практикум и диагностика
Author: Петросова Р.А., Мазяркина Т.В.
Year: 2017
Format: PDF
File size: 42 MB
Language: RU

The textbook is designed to prepare students in grades 10-11 for the state final certification. The sequence of lessons is presented in the logic of the examination work in biology based on the modular principle. Each lesson is aimed at a specific result and contains the development of basic theoretical information and practical skills for performing a specific task of examination work.

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