BOOKS - EQUIPMENT - Справочник по основам электронной техники...
Справочник по основам электронной техники - Гершунский Б. С. и др. 1974 PDF «Вища школа» BOOKS EQUIPMENT
USDt 7.80


Справочник по основам электронной техники
Author: Гершунский Б. С. и др.
Year: 1974
Format: PDF
File size: 32,38 MB
Language: RU

In an accessible form, it sets out the physical foundations of work, principles of operation, schematic designs and technical indicators of the most typical and common electronic devices and assemblies. The handbook is educational in nature and is designed for a wide range of readers who want to receive initial information, expand systematize their knowledge in the field of modern electronics - engineers and technical workers who do not have special education in electronics, but by the nature of their active facing questions...

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