BOOKS - PAINTING AND DRAWING - Пастель. Подробный практический курс...
Пастель. Подробный практический курс - Небукина Ю.А. (ред.) 2006 PDF Мир книги BOOKS PAINTING AND DRAWING
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Пастель. Подробный практический курс
Author: Небукина Ю.А. (ред.)
Year: 2006
Format: PDF
File size: 17 MB

Pastel is often called pictorial drawing. She really went a long way from drawing in three colors to a full-fledged painting technique, popular in the Baroque era and so beloved by impressionists. Today, pastelists have dozens of colors and shades at their disposal, allowing them to create surprisingly heartfelt and lyrical works in various genres. It is not difficult to master the technique of working with pastels, and the results of your work will inspire you.

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