BOOKS - HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY - Инстинкты человека попытка описания и классификации...
Инстинкты человека попытка описания и классификации - Протопопов А.И., Вязовский А.В. 2011 PDF Якутск Дани АлмаС BOOKS HUMAN AND PSYCHOLOGY
US $5.66

Инстинкты человека попытка описания и классификации
Author: Протопопов А.И., Вязовский А.В.
Year: 2011
Number of pages: 140
Format: PDF
File size: 10,11 MB
Language: RU

The book discusses biologically related aspects of human behavior, mainly instincts, and proposes a system for their classification. The relationships between instincts, reflexes and rational behavior, the biological prerequisites for their occurrence are also considered. The book is intended for a wide range of readers interested in modern science.

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